A. Personal Computer
B. Super Computer
C. Mobile Computer
D. Power Computer
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A. Compiler
B. Central Processing Unit
C. Visual Display Unit
D. None of these
A. Hockey
B. Baseball
C. Football
D. Tennis
A. Dr. Waheed Qureshi
B. Patras Bokhari
C. Fan Ahmad Faiz
D. Ate Ul Haq Qasmi
A. Anti-virus software
B. Web browser
A. Bad user account name
B. Bad domain name
C. Stale file handle
D. Domain server is down
A. Image
B. Object
C. Pixel
D. Color
A. First generation
B. Second generation
C. Third generation
D. Fourth generation
A. Syria
B. Turkey
C. Malaysia
D. Sri Lanka
A. Maldives
B. Gabon
C. Indonesia
D. All of these