A. Frivolous
B. Ignorant
C. Vapid
D. Innocent
Category Archives: PPSC Solved Past Papers MCQs
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A. Active
B. Dormant
C. Weak
D. Unconcerned
A. Incorrigible
B. Illegible
C. Indelible
D. Unintelligible
A. Imbecility
B. Senility
C. Dotage
D. Superannuation
A. Agreed
B. Refused
A. Denied
B. Agreed
C. Accused
D. Encouraged
A. Accused
B. Threatened
C. Refused
D. Convinced
A. Confessed
B. Agreed
C. Denied
D. Promised
A. Article 251
B. Article 261
C. Article 271
D. None of these