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Ecstasy antonym?

A. Pessimistic
B. Realistic
C. Agony
D. Adulterate

Profane means?

A. Realistic
B. Unholy
C. Pessimistic
D. Adulterate

Everyone is ignorant _____ something?

A. of
B. at
C. the
D. to

A is father of B but B is not A’s Son, than what is B?

A. Daughter
B. Nephew
C. Daughter in Law
D. Nephew in law

Nili Ravi is a breed of?

A. Camel
B. Goat
C. Buffalo
D. Sheep

1/1000 = ?

A. 0.001
B. 1.001
C. 2.001
D. 3.001

Alma mater means?

A. House
B. College
C. Hospital
D. Parliament

Which UN body deals with Population Problems?


Abu Jahl was killed in the Battle of?

A. Badr
B. Hunain
C. Uhad
D. Khandaq

Wakhan Corridor separates Pakistan from?

A. India
B. Afghanistan
C. Tajikistan
D. China