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Sakhalin Island dispute involves which of the two countries?

A. Russia & Japan
B. Japan & North Korea
C. Russia & China
D. China & Vietnam

Head Sulemanki is on which of the following rivers?

A. River Ravi
B. River Jhelum
C. River Sutlej
D. South-East

If A is the south of B and C is to the east of B. In which direction is A with respect to C?

A. North-East
B. North-West
C. South-West
D. South-East

ICs (Integrated Circuits) were used in?

A. Third Generation
B. Fourth Generation
C. Second Generation
D. None of these

Dokhlam Standoff was between which of the two countries?

A. India and Bangladesh
B. China and Bhutan
C. India and Nepal
D. Bhutan and Nepal

Which dam in Pakistan has the largest storage capacity?

A. Mangla
B. Gomal zam
C. Tarbela
D. Simli Dam

A is the mother of B and C, D is the husband of C. what is the relation of A to D?

A. Sister
B. Aunt
C. Mother
D. Mother-in-law

Thickness of a line is changed in?

A. Shape Style
B. Line Thickness
C. Thickness Styles
D. Shape Line Thickness

Which was the first country to recognize Pakistan as an independent state?

A. Iran
B. Turkey
C. Afghanistan
D. Saudi Arabia

Who initiated the Silk Letter Movement (Reshmi Romaal Tehreek)?

A. Mehmood-ul-Hassan
B. Fakhar-u-Din Nizami
C. Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
D. Shabeer Ahmad Usmani