Category Archives: PPSC Solved Past Papers MCQs

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______ river is also known as Mother of Rivers?

A. Mekong
B. Mississippi
C. Indus
D. Fraser

Complete the series 1, 2, 2, 5, 3, 8, ?

A. 3
B. 7
C. 6
D. 4


A. Requires ATP
B. Result in the bursting of plant cells placed in pure water
C. Can causes a cell to become turgid
D. Is independent of solute concentrations

Ten Commandments bestowed to which prophet?

A. Solomon
B. Moses
C. Jesus
D. Joshua

Pyongyang is a city of?

A. South Korea
B. North Korea
C. Japan
D. Iran

What is the name of Arab Country Mars Mission in Arabic?

A. Al-Amal
B. Al-Aman
C. Al- Asma
D. Al-Adman

Sir Syed advised Muslims to stay away from Congress because?

A. Muslim needed time to prepare themselves for political struggle
B. It was Hindu dominated body
C. Its demands were against Muslims interests
D. All these factors kept them away from congress

Which of the following is the largest fort of Pakistan?

A. Rohtas Fort
B. Attock Fort
C. Jamrud Fort
D. Rani Kot Fort


A. Loyalty : duplicity
B. Devotion : reverence
C. Intensity : color
D. Eminence : anonymity


A. Erasable : obtuse
B. Malleable : limpid
C. Capable : inept
D. Incorrigible : guilty