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Which river flows under west minister Abbey Bridge?

A. Volga
B. Tiber
C. Thamas
D. None of these

Old name of Squash is ?

A. Rackets
B. Binfel
C. Steel Hit
D. None of these

Where does the United Nations Commission on Human rights meet and for how long?

A. Berne for 3 weeks
B. In Geneva for six weeks
C. In London for 4 weeks
D. None of these

Which of the following is not a member of UNO?

A. Palestine
B. Vatican City
C. Kenya
D. Both a & b

Who was to develop the design of the mausoleum of Quid-e-Azam?

A. Yahya Bekhtiyar
B. Yahya Marchant
C. Irfan Ullah Khan Marwat
D. None of these

Regional Cooperation for Development was renamed in 1958?

A. Economic development Organization
B. Economic Cooperation Organization
C. Economic Cooperative organization
D. None of these

What was the name of mother of Allama of Iqbal?

A. Abdi Bano
B. Bano Begum
C. Imam Bibi
D. None of these

Which of the gland produces bile?

A. Liver
B. Pancreases
C. Kidney
D. None of these

How many years the Grand father of Holly Prophet assumed the responsibility of the Holly Prophet?

A. 6 years
B. 8 years
C. 2 years
D. None of these

The birds who feed marine food remove salt one of glands?

A. Rectal salt gland
B. Endocrine gland
C. Pituitary gland
D. None of these