A. Eye
B. Brain
C. Chest
D. None of these
A. Eye
B. Brain
C. Chest
D. None of these
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A. Eye
B. Brain
C. Chest
D. None of these
A. Baluchi
B. Punjabi
C. Sindhi
D. Kashmir
A. England
B. South Africa
C. Australia
D. New Zealand
A. 30 October 1947
B. 30 September 1947
C. 30 August 1948
D. 30 March 1948
A. Brazil
B. Canada
C. China
D. Russia
A. Plane of Equator
B. The International Date line
C. The Plane of Tropic of Cancer
D. None of these
A. 4 years
B. 5 years
C. 6 years
D. 7 years
A. Brain
B. Heart
C. Lungs
D. Bones
A. Tibet
B. Held Kashmir
C. Azad Kashmir
D. Madhopur