Category Archives: PMS 2019 Past Paper MCQs

What is the title of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)?

A. Khalil Ullah
B. Kalim Ullah
C. Saif Ullah
D. Jad-ul-Anbia

Indian Railway started operation?

A. 1813
B. 1847
C. 1853
D. 1863

Circumference of earth is around?

A. 20000km
B. 30000km
C. 40075km
D. 50000km

Paksitan’s population of what percent of the World’s population?

A. 2.4%
B. 2.65%
C. 2.8%
D. 2.7%

Literacy Rate in Christian world is 100% compared to that literacy rate in Muslim world?

A. 50%
B. 40%
C. 60%
D. 70%

Pepsinogen is converted into stomach in?

B. Gastin
C. Bicarbonate
D. Pepsin

What is the color of Oxyhaemogolbin?

A. Red
B. Bright Red
C. Dark Red
D. Pale Yellow

At which temperature does bacteria die?

A. 140F
B. 106F
C. 110F
D. 120F

Mastication is called the process of?

A. Digesting
B. Grinding
C. Chewing
D. Swallowing

Which among the following is responsible for the clotting of the blood?

A. Erythrocytes
B. Platelets
C. Basophils
D. White Blood Cells