Category Archives: PPSC Assistant Agricultural Department 2018

The oldest university of England is?

A. Oxford
B. Cambridge
D. Buckingham

Lake Saif ul Maluk is located in which valley ?

A. Murree
B. Kaghan
C. Naraan
D. Quetta

Which Act provides the base for constitution of Pakistan?

A. Act, 1962
B. Act, 1935
C. Act, 1958
D. Act, 1973

In which counrty light house of Alexandria is located?

A. Iraq
B. Egypt
C. Iran
D. Saudi Arabia

Odd one out, “Wall, Bean, Pillar, House” ?

A. Wall
B. Beam
C. Pillar
D. house

Which one of the search engines was invented by Larry Page and Sergey Brain?

A. yahoo
B. Google
C. Web Browser
D. None of these

Which province of Pakistan is without desert?

A. Punjab
B. Baluchistan
C. Sindh

Dara Sikoh is the son of which Mughal Emperor?

A. Aurangzeb
B. Bulban
C. Jahangir
D. Shah Jahan

Which of the following has given the status GSP to Pakistan?

B. European Union
D. None of these

Synonym of Industrious is ?

A. Lazy
B. Labour
C. Industry
D. Hardworking