Category Archives: PPSC Assistant (BS-16) Labour And Human Resource – 2020

PPSC Assistant (BS-16) Labour And Human Resource – 2020 Complete solved Paper for written test Preparation

Which of the following is not included in MS office Package?

A. MS Excel
B. MS Access
C. MS Outlook
D. MS Photo Editor

“Amicus Curae” means?

A. Assistant of Court
B. Friend of Defendant
C. A Friend of Court
D. Defender of Accused

Choose the Voice: People speak English all over the world?

A. English is spoken by the people all over the world
B. English has been spoken by the people all over the world
C. English is spoken all over the world by the people
D. None of these

The term PVC stands for?

A. Poly Vinyl Chlorine
B. Poly Vinyl Chloride
C. Pepto Vinyl Chlorine
D. Pepto Vinyl Chloroform

Which is the world’s largest landlocked country?

A. Tajikistan
B. Kyrgyzstan
C. Kazakhstan
D. None of these

What is the duration of the National Anthem of Pakistan?

A. 55 sec
B. 80 sec
C. 90 sec
D. None of these

Loss of memory as a result of damage of the brain is called?

A. Dementia
B. Amnesia
C. Paralysis
D. None of these

Dead Plants on the surface of water and oxygen depletion of the water body is called ?

A. Deoxygenization
B. De-Nitrogenization
C. Eutrophication
D. None of these

“INTERPOL” Headquarter is in?

A. Germany
B. France
C. Canada
D. Austria

Who among the following designed the National Flag of Pakistan?

A. Altaf Hussain
B. Ahmad Chagla
C. Ameer Kudwai
D. None of these