Category Archives: PPSC Assistant Director (BS-17) 2020 Local Government

PPSC Assistant Director (BS-17) 2020 Local Government Complete solved Paper for written test Preparation

Reference to high court is made under section ______ CPC ?

A. 114
B. 116
C. 113
D. None of these

According to section 359 PPC, Kidnapping is of_______ types ?

A. Four
B. Five
C. Two
D. None of these

Suits to be instituted where subject matter situates deals under section_____ CPC ?

A. 17
B. 15
C. 16
D. None of these

According to section _____ CrPC, a police officer my arrest without warrant ?

A. 54
B. 59
C. 53
D. None of these

Giving false evidence is an offence punishable under section?

A. 189 PPC
B. 191 PPC
C. 190 PPC
D. None of these

The word Coin is defined under section _____ PPC?

A. 229
B. 230
C. 233
D. None of these

High Court may transfer case or try itself under section ____ CrPC ?

A. 529
B. 530
C. 526
D. None of these

A police officer shall detain in custody a person arrested without warrant for a period which does ?

A. 12 hours
B. 24 hours
C. 48 hours
D. None of these

Rioting is defined under section ______ PPC?

A. 142
B. 147
C. 146
D. None of these

The arrangement of jobs on the basis of their duties, responsibilities, skills is prepared in?

A. Position Classifications
B. Job description
C. Equal employment opportunity programs
D. None of these