Category Archives: PPSC Past Paper Inspector Cooperative Societies 2019 Solved MCQs

PPSC Past Paper Inspector Cooperative Societies 2019 Solved MCQs

Allama Iqbal attended how many round table conferences?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

Ferdinand Marcos was the Leader of which country?

A. Spain
B. Malaysia
C. Philippines
D. Thailand

“Fez” is a famous city located in?

A. Canada
B. Morocco
C. France
D. Brazil

Constitution of Pakistan 1973 consists of how many Articles?

A. 275
B. 278
C. 280
D. 285

“Astore” is located in which area?

A. Punjab
B. Baluchistan
D. Gilgat Baltistan

What is “Scot graph Instrument”?

A. Aiding blind to write in the darkness
B. An instrument of measuring frequency
C. Both A and B are correct
D. None of these