Tag Archives: Personal Staff Officer PPSC

Super court Building in Islamabad was designed by kenzo-Tange. He was ____?

A. Turkish
B. Japanese
C. Chinese
D. Greek

In MS Word, to continue cells of a table’s row/column you _____ the cells?

A. Merge
B. Simplify
C. Join
D. Link

The most urban province of Pakistan is?

A. Punjab
C. Sindh
D. Baluchistan

Izmir Treaty was signed in?

A. 1977
B. 1991
C. 1992
D. 1993

Osaka is famous city of?

A. China
B. Korea
C. Japan
D. Thailand

Reflection is a/an?

A. Noun
B. Adverb
C. Pronoun
D. Adjective

Montuosa Island is in the _____?

A. Indian Ocean
B. Pacific Ocean
C. Artict Ocean
D. Atlantic Ocean

European Institute of Gender Equality (EIGE) works under?

A. United Nation
B. European Union
C. Autonomously
D. African Union

Average monthly income of P and Q is Rs. 5050. The average monthly income of Q and P is Rs. 6250. The average monthly income of P and R is Rs. 5200. What will be the monthly income of P?

A. 3500
B. 4000
C. 4050
D. 5000

Homo Erctus was early human being founded in_____?

A. Java
B. Serbia
C. Africa
D. None of these