_____ are instructions that tell a computer what to do?

A. Input devices
B. Hardware
C. Memory cards
D. Software

In Computing, PDF stands for?

A. Peripheral Device Front
B. Portable Document Format
C. Peripheral Document Format
D. Portable Device Form

A common name for software errors is?

A. Bugs
B. Trojans
C. Logic bombs
D. Viruses

In MS Windows which of the following is program group?

A. Accessories
B. Paint
C. Word
D. All of these

In computing, what does DOS stand for?

A. Data Only System
B. Disk Only System
C. Data Operating System
D. Disk Operating System

The area that generally contains My Computer, My Document and Recycle Bin is called?

A. Desktop
B. Tiptop
C. Screen
D. None of these

In a computer what does OS stand for?

A. Optical Sensibility
B. Order of Significance
C. Operating System
D. Organized Software

In which type of operating system time intervals to process and respond to inputs is very small?

A. Distributed operating system
B. Network operating system
C. Real time operating system
D. Time sharing operating system

The first general elections in Pakistan were held on ?

A. Dec 5, 1970
B. Dec 6, 1970
C. Dec 7, 1970
D. Dec 8, 1970