Which one of the following sentence is correctly punctuated?

A. The weather this winter has been: windy, wet and unpredictable
B. The weather this winter has been windy, wet and unpredictable
C. The weather this winter has been, windy, wet and unpredictable
D. The weather this winter has been windy· wet and unpredictable

Animals that eat  both plants and meat are knows as

A. Herbivores
B. Carnivores
C. Omnivores
D. Ruminants

What was the old name of Zhob?

A. Gambellpur
B. Montgomery
C. Fort Sandeman
D. Fort Munro

“The Amazon in Brazil is ______ longest river in ______ South America.”

A. The/-
B. -/the
C. A/the
D. The/the

“He succeeded ____ the throne after his father’s death.”

A. To
B. In
C. On
D. At

“Abdul knew the conditions in’ England like the _____ of his hand.”

A. Lines
B. Back
C. Skin
D. Hair

In MS Word, which of the following is not type of a page margin?

A. Left
B. Right
C. Centre
D. Top

When Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto replaced Yahya Khan in 1971 he took over as:

A. Prime Minister
B. President
C. Caretaker Prime Minister
D. Caretaker President

Which of the following is an example of micro blogging?

A. Google
B. Facebook
C. Orkut
D. Twitter

Under which amendment of the 1973 Constitution were the Ahdmadis declared as Non-Muslim?

A. 5th Amendment
B. 4th Amendment
C. 3rd Amendment
D. 2nd Amendment