Bolshevik Revolution is associated with which of the following countries?

A. Yugoslavia
B. Russia
C. Greece
D. Austria

Find the synonym of “Decipher”:

A. Clear
B. Disregard
C. Interpret
D. Distort

Fill in the blank: “Do not meddle my _______ affairs.”

A. With
B. In
C. For
D. About

In which year did Quaid-e-Azem join the Indian National Congress?

A. 1906
B. 1905
C. 1905
D. 1912

Pakistan’s first Nobel Prize winner, Professor Dr. Abdul Salam, got his Master’s in Mathematics from:

A. Government College, Jhang
B. University of Heidelberg, Germany
C. Oxford University, UK
D. Government College, Lahore

The newly elected Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Antonio Guterres, has also remained the ________ of Portugal.

A. Foreign Minister
B. President
C. Prime Minister
D. Finance Minister

Name the apparatus used for determining the purity of milk?

A. Morh’s Scale
B. Hygrometer
C. Lactograph
D. Lactometer

19 workers died in an explosion with working on a ship. Where did this accident take place?

A. Port Qasim
B. Karachi Port
C. Gawadar
D. Gadani

Find the synonym of “Abdicate”

A. Join
B. Search
C. Abandon
D. Advance

The first Mujaddid was Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz (R.A.). Who was the second?

A. lbne-e-Tammiya
B. Imam Ghazali
C. Ahmad Sirhindi
D. Shah Wallullah