Dr Abdul Salam got Nobel Prize Due to ?

A. Strong and Weak Electromagnetic Force
B. Strong Nuclear Force
C. Weakest Fundamental Force
D. Fundamental Forces

Least polluted gas in the Atmosphere ?

A. Hydrogen
B. Nitrogen
C. Oxygen
D. Carbon

At the Center of the Earth Mass of Body due to gravity will ?

A. infinite
B. zero
C. same as that on the surface of the earth
D. half of that on the surface of the earth

Which of the sphere hotter with comparison to other ?

A. Northern Southern
B. North Pole
C. South Pole
D. Equator

Which Gas is Called Laughing Gas ?

A. Nitrous oxide
B. Nitrogen dioxide
C. Dinitrogen trioxide
D. Sulfur trioxide

Formic Acid is obtained from ?

A. Snake
B. Ants
C. Frogs
D. Scorpions

where is hiran minar situated ?

A. Sialkot
B. Lahore
C. Sheikhupura
D. Kasur

Beirut is the capital of which country ?

A. Jordan
B. Lebanon
C. Libya
D. Yemen

Florence city belongs to which country ?

A. Italy
B. Spain
C. Belgium
D. France

Who Received Pride of Performance Award in 23 March 2005 as a Folk Singer ?

A. Alam Lohar
B. Meesha Shafi
C. Arif Lohar
D. Sanam Marvi