Kobe Bryant the American Basketball player died in plane crash in which city ?

A. Florida
B. California
C. Texas
D. New York

Which of the following is not a social crisis in Pakistan?

A. Poverty Crises
B. Illiteracy
C. Constitutional Crises
D. Gender Discriminations


Famous speech at Human Rights council that “where do all human rights begins” ?

A. Calvin Coolidge
B. Franklin D. Roosevelt
C. Harry S. Truman
D. Ronald Reagan


Which of the Country announced year of the Tolerance 2019 ?

B. China
C. Japan

Which of the following office focal point for Human Rights Defender at United Nations ?

A. UN General Assembly
B. Human Rights Commissioner Office
D. European Union


In 1946 which of the following called for total disarmament of Nuclear Weapon ?

A. UN General Assembly
C. Russia
D. European Union


Recently Pakistan submarine missile launched by which country by the name of Fatah?

A. Saudia Arabia
B. Iran
C. Afghanistan
D. Qatar

Reconstruction of Black Project Started in Which Desert?

A. Thar
B. Cholistan
C. Dust
D. None

Ambassador of European Union to Pakistan ?

A. Androulla Kaminara
B. Marek Skolil
C. Wolfram Vetter
D. Herman Portocarrero

Microsoft has introduced a New Cloud Windows Called ?

A. Windows 360
B. Windows Cloud
C. Windows 365
D. Windows Web