The largest American State by Population is?

A. California
B. Florida
C. Texas
D. None of these

From which word ‘Aqeeda’ is derived?

A. Aqd
B. Aqald
C. Aqleed
D. Taqleed

“Nanga Parbat” is the famous mountain Peak of?

A. Karakoram range
B. Himalayas range
C. Hindu Kush range
D. Sulaiman range

In 1946 the mission sent by the British Government, was called?

A. Simon Commission
B. Cripps Mission
C. Cabinet Mission
D. Boundary Commission

In Ms Word which of the following is not a front style?

A. Bold
B. Superscript
C. Italic
D. Regular

Who was the Civilian Chief Martial Administrator in Pakistan?

A. Z.A Bhutto
B. Ayub Khan
C. Yahaya Khan
D. Zia ul Haq

Which one of the following is the most powerful computer?

A. Personal Computer
B. Super Computer
C. Mobile Computer
D. Power Computer

The highest literacy rate among the South Asian Countries is in?

A. Pakistan
B. India
C. Maldives
D. Nepal

Which component of the diet prevents constipation?

A. Fiber
B. Minerals
C. Protein
D. Vitamins

Synonym of ‘Flimsy’ is?

A. Real
B. Adequate
C. Positive
D. Fragile