Treaty of Lausanne Signed in?

A. 1921
B. 1922
C. 1923
D. None of these

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Which of the following toolbar used to access menu bar and toolbar quickly?

A. Access Toolbar
B. Standard Toolbar
C. Formatting toolbar
D. None of these

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Agra Fort was constructed by ?

A. Akbar
B. Shah Jahan
C. Babar
D. None of these Continue reading

Diwan-e-Al Zimma in Abbasid Period Associated with?

A. Tax Collection
B. Account and Audit
C. Postal Service
D. None of these

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Inam Land in Mughal Period assigned to which People

A. Teachers
B. Doctors
C. Ulema and Scholars
D. None of these

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Buland Darwaza associated with which masque?

A. Shah Masjid
B. Jamia Masjid
C. Moti Masjid
D. None of these

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Full-grown tree absorb annually how much Carbon dioxide?

A. 48 Pounds
B. 50 Pounds
C. 52 Pounds
D. None of these

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Actual equipment of computer system that can be touched are called

 A. Hardware
B. Software
C. Computer System
D. Computer Accessories

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Which neighbor country of Pakistan is landlocked country?

A. Iran
B. India
C. China
D. Afghanistan

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Highest military award of Iraq is?

A. Iron cross
B. Order of Al Rafidain
C. Australian active service medal
D. War cross with sword