The First Nuclear Power Plant In Pakistan Was Established at___?

A. Karachi
B. Lahore
C. Islamabad
D. Faisalabad

Jerusalem is a sacred place for____?

A. Christians
B. Jews
C. Muslims
D. All of them

The Liquid Which Is Liquid At Room Temperature is?

A. Lead
B. Zinc
C. Mercury
D. Aluminum

Choose the near Antonym of “Vague” ?

A. Blurred
B. Immaterial
C. Compulsory
D. Definite

GGPL made plans in 2021 to invest ________ , to deliver imported LNG in Pakistan

A. $92.04 million
B. $93.04 million
C. $94.04 million
D. $95.04 million

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Who Signed the Pak-Sino Boundary Treaty 1963 from Pakistan?

A. Manzoor Qadir
B. Sir Zafarullah
C. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
D. Gen Ayub Khan

Battle In Which Holy Prophetﷺ not Participated Is Known as?

A. Jaziya
B. Sariyya
C. Sayee
D. Al-Fay

Who Is Known As The Father Of Computer?

A. Pascal
B. Ada
C. Herman
D. Charles Babbage

Capital Of Lebanon Country?

A. Beirut
B. Cairo
C. Bako
D. None

Pneumonia Bacteria Disease Cause By Which Type Of Bacteria___?

A. Streptococcus Pneumoniae
B. Virus
C. Both
D. None