Blog Desk is an offline blog editor which is used for _______ operating system.

A.  Linux
B.  Unix
C. Windows
D.  None of these

The Bar Located at the Top of the Application Window is called ?

A. Title bar
B. Status bar
C. Menu bar
D. None of these

CPU contains______?

A. a card reader and a printing device
B. an analytical engine and a control unit
C. a control unit and an arithmetic logic unit
D. an arithmetic logic unit and a card reader

MICR stands for_________

A. Magnetic Ink Character Reader
B. Magnetic Ink Code Reader
C. Magnetic Ink Cases Reader
D. None

CAD stands for:

A. Computer Assisted Design
B. Computer Aided Design
C. Computer Application Design
D. Computer Aided Dispatch

[email protected] represents an ________

A.  MAC address
C. E-mail address
D.  None of these

The part of computer which is used for calculating and comparing is

B. Disk Unit
C. Control Unit
D. None of These

Process of copying software programs from secondary storage media to the hard disk called:

A. Configuration
B. Installation
C. Download
D. None of These

Computers that are portable and convenient for users who travel are known as

A. Super Computers
B. Mini Computers
C. Laptops
D. None of These

Orange river is located in ____?

A. Namibia
B. South Africa
C. Lesotho
D. All

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