Where is the Mojave Desert Located?

A. Chili
C. China
D. India Continue reading

Hanns Seidel Foundation provides students with ____?

A. Scholarships
B. Laptop scheme
C. All
D. None

Pakistan as well as India _______poor?

A. Is
B. are
C. was
D. were

Errors in a Software Program are Referred to as___?

A.  Viruses
B.  Bugs
C. Computer Fault
D. None of These

Pixels are___?

A.  Points of light used by a cordless, wireless, optical mouse
B.  Dots of ink from inkjet printer
C.  Dots on the screen arranged in rows
D.  None of These

The creation of motion from still pictures is called:

A. Animation
B. Transition
C. A Presentation
D None of These

Ingress is a type of:

A.  High Level Language
B.  Low Level Language
C. Data Base Management System
D. None of These

What is the name of part of the computer which coordinates all the function:

A. Control Unit
B.  ROM Program
C.  Motherboard
D.  None of These