Category Archives: Computer MCQs

IBM 1401 is ?

A. First Generation Computer
B. Second Generation Computer
C. Third Generation Computer
D . Fourth Generation Computer

Which of the following is first Generation of Computer?

B. IBM-1401
C. CDC-1604
D. ICL-2900

ASCII Stands for ?

A. American Stable Code for International Interchange
B. American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange
C. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
D. American Standard Code for Interchange Information

What does DMA Stand for?

A. Distinct Memory Access
B. Direct Memory Access
C. Direct Module Access
D. Direct Memory Allocation

Which of the Following is not anti- viruses Software?

A. Avira
B. Kaspersky
C. Oracle
D. McAfee

Which Programming Languages are Classified as low level Languages?

Which Programming Languages are Classified as low level Languages?
A. BASIC, COBOL, Fortran
B. Prolog
C. C, C++
D. Assembly languages

What do you call the Programs that are used to find out Possible Faults and their Causes?

A. operating system extensions
B. cookies
C. diagnostic software
D. boot diskettes