Category Archives: Computer MCQs

CAD Stands for ?

A. Computer aided design
B. Computer algorithm for design
C. Computer application in design
D. Computer analogue design

Which of the following is a part of the Central Processing Unit?

A. Printer
B. Key board
C. Mouse
D. Arithmetic & Logic unit

EBCDIC Stands for ?

A. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
B. Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code
C. Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code
D. Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code

What is a light pen?

A. A Mechanical Input device
B. Optical input device
C. Electronic input device
D. Optical output device

Which Device is Required for the Internet connection?

A. Joystick
B. Modem
C. CD Drive
D. NIC Card

What type of Resource is most likely to be a Shared common Resource in a Computer Network?

A. Printers
B. Speakers
C. Floppy disk drives
D. Keyboards