Category Archives: PPSC Past Paper Assistant Director Local Govt. & Community Development 2018 Solved MCQs

which high court was the first to have a female chief justice?

A. Punjab
B. Sindh
D. Baluchistan

In computers what does FDD stand for?

A. Floppy Disk Drive
B. Floppy Data Drive
C. Final Data Development
D. non o these

Taj Mahal at Agra stands on the bank of river?

A. Ganga
B. Jamuna
C. Padma
D. None of these.

In MS Word 2007 which shortcut key is used to insert a comment?

B. CTRL+Shift+E
C. ALT+Shift+C
D. none of these

when did Quaid e Azam became president of all India Muslim league?

A. 1932
B. 1924
C. 1931
D. 1934

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seismograph used to record intensity and source of?

A. Thunderstorms
B. Heart beat
C. pulse
D. Earthquakes

Who ran desperately in search of water between two hills called Safa and Marwa?

A. Hazrat Quturah (R.A).
B. Hazrat Saarah (R.A)
C. Hazrat Haajirah (R.A)
D. Hazrat Aasiya (R.A)

The darkening sky indicated to all of us that a thunderstorm was?

A. Inherent
B. Futile
C. Conciliatory
D. Imminent

In which Country does the Desert City Timbuktu lie?

A. Morocco
B. Mauritania
C. Mali
D. Sudan

The World’s longest mountain range above sea level?

A. Himalayas
B. Kara korum
C. andes
D. none of these