Category Archives: PPSC Past Paper Deputy Accountant Finance Department-2019 Evening

In Pakistan, Military Courts were established after a terrorist attack on Army Public School in Peshawar, in the year?

A. 2012
B. 2013
C. 2014
D. 2015

Which of the following country abolished monarchy in 2008?

A. Laos
B. Nepal
C. Afghanistan
D. Burundi

The Round Table Conference was convened by which British Prime Minister?

A. Attlee
B. MacDonald
C. Churchill
D. Chamberlain

In Internet terminology what does “IP” stand for?

A. Internet Provider
B. Internet Protocol
C. Internet Procedure
D. Internet Processor

What is the average of 1/2, 5/6, 3/4, 5/12?

A. 7/8
B. 2/5
C. 5/8
D. 21/2

Which ghazwa is mentioned in Surah Al-Imran?

A. Khyber
B. Khandaq
C. Uhad
D. Badr

Faraday’s Law is associated with?

A. Reaction of gases
B. Pressure of gases
C. Electromagnetic induction
D. Temperature and pressure

Choose the synonym of INVEIGH?

A. To carry
B. Remonstrate
C. Entice
D. Encroach

Article 25 of 1973 Constitution of Pakistan deals with?

A. Rule of Law
B. Equality of citizens
C. Equal protection of law
D. All of these

Abdur Rahman Chughtai belongs to which type of art?

A. Architecture
B. Music
C. Calligraphy
D. Painting