Category Archives: PPSC Past Paper Deputy Accountant Finance Department-2019 Evening

The book “On the Origin of Species” was written by?

A. Network
B. Einstein
C. Darwin
D. Dickens

Which one is an Operating System?

A. Harvard Graphics
B. Windows 2000
C. MS-Office
D. C++

Money paid by government to reduce the costs of producing goods so that their prices can be kept low termed as?

A. Value added services
B. Grant
C. Subsidy
D. Soft money

Which of the following is not a Kharif Crop?

A. Rice
B. Cotton
C. Sugarcane
D. Wheat

______ defines the dance of Punjab?

A. Bhangra
B. Khattak
C. Ho Jamalo
D. Lewa

Makrani style of which language?

A. Sindhi
B. Saraiki
C. Brahvi
D. Balochi

When no tariffs are imposed on all imports and exports, it is called?

A. Preferential Trade
B. Free Trade
C. Balance of Trade
D. Non-Tariff Barriers

Christopher Columbus who accidently discovered America was citizen of?

A. Portugal
B. Italy
C. Spain
D. Britain

Barak Hussain Obama was _____ president of USA?

A. 40th
B. 44th
C. 48th
D. 50th

The main gases that produce acid rain are?

A. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Methane and hydrogen
D. None of these