Category Archives: Capital

Capital of Somalia is?

A. Kampala
B. Maputo
C. Asmara
D. Mogadishu

The capital of North Korea is?

A. Tokyo
B. Seoul
C. Oslo
D. Pyongyang

Capital of Yemen is?

A. Muscat
B. Doha
C. Sana’a
D. Tripoli

Helsinki is the capital of?

A. Finland
B. Estonia
C. Iceland
D. Denmark

Tripoli is the capital of?

A. Burma
B. Libya
C. Cyprus
D. Spain

Thimphu is the capital city of?

A. Laos
B. Bolivia
C. Papua New Guinea
D. Bhutan

Name the capital of Czech Republic?

A. Minsk
B. Prague
C. Budapest
D. Bucharest

Which is the capital of Croatia?

A. Zaghreb
B. Eritrea
C. Yerevan
D. Athens

Capital of Kazakhstan?

A. Bishkek
B. Almaty
D. none of these

CANADA’S Capital?

A. ottawa
B. paris
C. toronto
D. bern