Idiomatic phrase: A square meal_________ ?

A. A good diet
B. A full meal
C. A timely otea!
D. A proper diet

The idiomatic phrase “a square meal” means a substantial, nutritious, and satisfying meal that provides enough energy to sustain a person throughout the day.

The phrase “a square meal” is often used to describe a meal that provides a balanced and complete mix of nutrients, including protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. The origin of the phrase is not entirely clear, but one popular theory is that it comes from the practice of serving meals on square wooden plates or platters aboard ships in the Royal Navy in the 18th century.

A “square” meal was considered to be a substantial and filling meal that would help sailors stay healthy and strong during long voyages at sea. Over time, the phrase became more widely used to refer to any meal that is nutritious and satisfying, regardless of the shape of the plate or the setting in which it is served.

Today, the phrase “a square meal” is often used in informal conversation to describe a meal that is substantial and satisfying, particularly when someone is feeling hungry or lacking in energy. For example, someone might say, “I’m starving! I need to find a place to get a square meal before I pass out.”

In summary, “a square meal” refers to a well-rounded and nutritious meal that provides enough energy to sustain a person throughout the day.


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