What is the passive voice of “he is singing a song”?

A. A song is being sung by her
B. A song is being sung by him
C. A song is been sung by him
D. None of These

Talk : Stammer :: Walk : ___?

A. walker
B. Stagger
C. Run
D. None of These

Nip in the bud

A. Stop from start
B. Stop from end
C. Both
D. None of These Continue reading

Back out Meaning_____?

A. To retreat
B. to get out of an agreement
C. Both
D. None of These

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Leader of Muslim league delegation in first Round Table Conference ?

A. Sir Aga Khan
B. Allama Iqbal
C. Quaid e Azam
D. None of These Continue reading

What does International Court of Justice (ICJ) deals with?

A. Individuals
B. countries
C. Both
D. None of These Continue reading

Which type of software is MS Office?

A. Horizontal Market Software
B. Free ware
C. Deep curve
D. All Continue reading

How to Convert Word File into PDF ?

A. New
B. Open
C. Print
D. None of These

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Which country joined SAARC lately ___?

A. Afghanistan
B. India
C. China
D. None of These Continue reading

Hazara University is located in?

A. Chitral
B. Mansehra
C. Malakand
D. None of These