Category Archives: MS Excel MCQs

Cell entry “July 16, 1982” will be considered a ________ by excel sheet?

A. Formula
B. Label
C. Value
D. Number

Which of the following Excel feature allows users to evaluate values and return a result?

A. Filters
B. Insertions
C. Formatting
D. Formulas

Row in Microsoft Excel are labelled as?

A. 1, 2, 3, etc
B. A1, A2, A3, etc
C. C, A, B, C etc
D. D, A*, B*, etc

The thin black cross shaped pointer in MS Excel is used to?

A. Complete lists and fill patterns
B. Move a group of cells
C. Resize
D. Highlight duplicate cells

Microsoft Excel is an electronic software package?

A. Document
B. Spreadsheet
C. Presentation
D. Database

In MS-Excel, chart wizard term data series refers to?

A. A chart legend
B. A collection of chart data markers
C. A set of values you plot in a chart
D. A data label

Which of the following is the latest version of MS Excel?

A. Excel 2019
B. Excel 2016
C. Excel 2017
D. None of these

A single worksheet contains?

A. 200 columns
B. 256 columns
C. 300 columns
D. 356 columns


Working area of MS Excel is called?

A. Worksheet
B. Workbook
C. Spreadsheet
D. None of these

In order to tell Excel that we are entering a formula in cell, we must begin with an operator such as?

A. @
B. +
C. =
D. $