A. On
B. With
C. By
D. None of These
A. On
B. With
C. By
D. None of These
A. On
B. With
C. By
D. None of These
A. conjunction
B. Interjection
C. Preposition
D. None of These
A. Adverb
B. Preposition
C. Adjective
D. None
A. has
B. is
C. are
D. have
A. has
B. have
C. having
D. are
A. It is necessary to sit in a box and then come out of it to think
B. You must not exercise your imagination but focus on facts only
C. You have to use your creativity to think differently
D. None of the above
A. My morn bought a baby COW
B. My morn was not happy
C. My mom was really upset
D. none of these
A. Couch
B. Rug
C. Table
D. Chair
A. Abdul is a good driver, moreover, he is a very friendly one
B. Abdul is a good driver. Moreover he is a very friendly one
C. Abdul is a good driver; moreover, he is a very friendly one
D. Abdul is a good driver: moreover, he is a very friendly one
A. We have not bought this cow
B. We have not buy this cow
C. We are not bought this cow
D. Has her baby been crying from midnight?