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Complete the series; 3,4,7,8,11,12___. ?

A. 15
B. 10
C. 18
D. 16

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WIPO is the Abbreviation of ?

A. World International Peace Organization
B. World Intellectual Property Organization
C. Web International Peace Organization
D. None

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Which of the following is not a valid zoom percentage in Excel?

A. 10
B. 100
C. 300
D. 500

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What is Jobbery?

A. Robbery performed by previous employee
B. looking for a job enthusiastically
C. conduct of public business for a private gain
D. flattery of superiors

Choose the correct meaning of the idiom: “To fish in troubled waters.”

A. To benefit from other peoples trouble
B. To indulge in all conspiracies
C. To aggravate the situation
D. To caught fish in disturbed water

Who was the second Prime Minister of Pakistan?

A. Ch Muhammad Ali
B. Kh. Nazim-ud-Din
C. Liaquat Ali Khan
D. Feroze Khan Noon Continue reading

The highest peak of Salt Range is?

A. Nanga Parbat
B. Skaser
C. Malka Parbat
D. Everest Continue reading

What is the Religion of the Majority of Arabs Before Islam?

A. Buddhism
B. Jewish
C. Idolatrous
D. Christian

Rain fall is measured using a __________?

A. Salinometer
B. Rainoscope
C. Rain gauge
D. Rainometer

Which was the First Gulf State who Recognize Israel?

B. Qatar
C. Bahrain
D. Oman